I rise, like a sapling pushing its way through the earth to get its first caress of chlorophyll filled touches of the sun’s rays

I rise, like the mourning pushes back the darkness of yesterday’s hastily ushering in yet again another set of to-days

I rise, like the smile of a son being served breakfast by his mother, and patted on the back by his father as he exits the door on his way to school

I rise, like THC filled lungs expand pushing blood to the top of the dome opening up a different dimension so the soul can roam freely

I rise, like the fists of the Black Panther party, high in the sky with afros also high in the sky fighting back against tyranny, oppression and hate. It was the hate that was gave that caused those fists to be raised

I rise, like Muhammad Ali’s hands when Sonny Liston hit the canvas, not even the system can hold down greatness when its time to awaken

I rise, like manhood, when family and community is under attack, it gets carried on the back because mine came equipped with a spine

I rise, because even if knocked down, gravity has no control of me

The cosmos was always my destiny

The earth birthed me

The cosmos calls me,

Beckons me,

Pleads with me to rise

Aint no going in reverse

You can re-enter the womb once it expels you

Let purpose propel you

Rise, like the limbs of a tree greedily fighting for light in a forest

Let the light fill you so you can rise

The earth has but one sun, the universe has billions for you to reach for and be filled,

So rise…

FAAther Time Neteru


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